Blog Martial Arts Student

Advanced Kicks

Advanced Kicks

When training as an advanced student, it is important to still practice your lower level kicks as well (just because you’re at an advanced level doesn’t mean beginner kicks go away).

            As a warm up, doing beginner level kicks progressively is a great way to get your body started for training. Start with the lowest level kicks in each stance.


Jump Front Snap Kick —

        Depending on what stance you are in, your back leg will lead, knee up, when you jump in the air. It is used to help with the height of your kick. After leading with your knee, think up and not forward with this kick, and then you will raise your front leg and kick in the air. Land on somewhat bent knees, otherwise you might hurt yourself landing hard on flat feet and locked knees. Try placing a mark on the floor as a guide for your front foot.  Work to land down on the same mark.  This will encourage you to jump up rather than forward.


Round House Spin Thrust Punch —

Using a “cheat step” with this kick can help with executing the kick. After you complete your roundhouse keep your keep close together as you turn over your right or left shoulder (depending on your stance) and place the landing foot in the position it needs to be for the spin thrust kick.  Then do your thrust kick and land with a strong punch.


Jump Front Outside Crescent —

        Similar to a jump front snap kick. Leading with your knee, think up and not forward with this kick, and then you will raise your front leg and kick in the air with an outside crescent. Remember that the crescent kick preps with the knee about 45 degrees before the target. Use your hip to generate power as the lower leg extends.